August Monthly Resources Here are some tips and information on managing swelling. Disclaimer: You should consult your physician before you start any of these exercises or any other exercise. Some...
Physical therapy and Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction
Ever wonder what would happen if you suddenly found yourself unable to speak or open your mouth properly? What about other functions like eating, drinking, speaking, etc.? This could happen to...
Physical therapy and Tendinitis
Tendonitis refers to inflammation or irritation of the tendon. Tendon, a fibrous connective tissue made of thick fibrous fibrous fibers that attaches muscle to bone, causes pain and swelling in...
Physical Therapy and Tendonitis at the Wrist
This is a common condition. The tendon at the wrist joint is responsible for pain, irritation, and inflammation. Although there are many tendons surrounding it, this tendon usually affects one. In...
Physical therapy and Stepping over Obstacles
Gait balance exercises can be incomplete without the ability to step over obstacles. This is one of the most effective ways to enhance and feature the movement in your legs when walking. You should...
Physical therapy and shoulder surgery
My shoulder injury has caused you to need shoulder surgery. Although the problem has been resolved, many side effects can still be experienced after surgery. A physical therapist may be able to help...
Physical Therapy And Rupture Of The Patellar Tendon
A patellar tendon tear is a painful injury that can affect your ability to run, walk, and participate in normal and recreational activities. A physical therapy program may be helpful for this...
Physical Therapy and Sciatica
Your physical therapist finds that you have sciatica. After performing the initial evaluation, which includes lying on your stomach flat and a complete evaluation of your pain, your physical...
Physical therapy and scoliosis
Our anatomical or upright position can be maintained because our spine is straight. However, when we bend our spine downwards, it bends in the opposite direction. This is known as scoliosis, which...
Physical Therapy And Repetitive Stress Injuries
These injuries affect the soft tissues of the body and include nerves, tendons, ligaments, and muscles. Repetitive stress injuries can also be known as repetitive motion disorders, cumulative trauma...