Physical Therapy’s Contribution to Wellness and Injury Preventive Activities

Although physical therapists are known for helping individuals recover from injuries, they can also prevent them from occurring. Physical therapists can provide a wide range of treatments to people who aren’t injured, even if their primary focus is on rehabilitation.

What more can physical therapists do for you besides treating injuries?

Be proactive to avoid an injury:

By identifying body imbalances and risk factors, physical therapists can assist patients in taking control of their physical health and well-being. By assessing and resolving these variables, injuries can be avoided. Proactive strength and balance training can also aid in daily activities and leisure, communal, and sporting activities.

Encourage a healthy lifestyle and physical fitness as well as mental well-being:

Strength, flexibility, balance, and endurance are often the focus of this type of training. Many therapists treat each patient’s specific orthopedic or neuromuscular condition using a whole-body approach to improve the functional capacity of their everyday tasks, work, and fitness/athletic activities. Some physical therapists specialize in orthopedics, women’s health, geriatrics, and cardiac rehabilitation, to mention a few areas of specialization. Children’s and sports physical therapy are among the other specialties in physical therapy.

Boost one’s athletic ability:

Athletes who follow a sport-specific training regimen have a lower risk of injury. One advantage of such training is increased athleticism. Before games and sessions, athletes and coaches can benefit from these programs by warming up properly. Sports-specific movements and precise body mechanics are frequently emphasized.

Reduce the chance of a fall:

Physical therapy might benefit people with a history of falling or who are unsteady on their feet, which is why these professionals have specialized education and training. To lessen the chance of tripping and falling, working on particular balance exercises and strengthening your base is essential.

Education and managing of chronic pain:

Strength, flexibility, and endurance are the most common goals for physical therapists who treat people with chronic pain. These goals allow people to do more social, job, school, and recreation activities, which helps them sleep better and reduces their pain.

Additionally, your therapist will teach you about the mechanisms of “chronic” pain, how it differs from “acute” pain, and how to manage your pain.
Catch on to your therapists.


Why not take the services of professionals in the human movement system to keep things running smoothly? If you’d like to stay active and accomplish the activities you enjoy, a physical therapist can help!

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