What is the best part of physical therapy?

When it comes to exercising, managing pain, and rehabilitating oneself, many patients assume they know what they are doing. It is typical for people to say that they don’t need therapy because they’ve had similar issues in the past or because their neighbor had the same problem, and they’ll do what she did and try to manage it on their own.

A physical therapist is an expert in rehabilitation who has received specialized training and certification. They work closely with the referring physician to build a rehabilitation program tailored to each patient’s needs. In addition, they receive ongoing training in managing various dysfunctions and distinguishing one dysfunction/injury from another. Another thing to remember regarding physical therapy is that each patient is unique.

The way we walk, align ourselves, and develop habits is unique to each of us. Therefore, physical therapists and their trained team observe individuals, seeking to rectify any incorrect movements, alignments, or habits.

The most significant part of treatment is the education that comes along with it. Because of healthcare guidelines and reimbursement adjustments, your doctor won’t have the time to thoroughly explain your injury/disability/disease to you. Your therapist is trained in this specialty, and many times, they will educate you on the specifics of your problem and the course of action to repair it and perhaps prevent it from recurring. Physical therapy aims to educate, correct, and prevent. 

Learn more about Direct Orthopedic Therapy.

When it comes to physical therapy, who stands to benefit?

Physical therapy can help everybody and everyone. A therapist works out regularly and is always on the lookout for others. Individuals with excellent body mechanics, training methods, or movement patterns are highly unusual. When it comes to health, this is where it all comes together. Patients who are most likely to benefit from chiropractic care are those who have been injured in accidents (at work, in a car accident, or a fall), athletes with overstress injuries, arthritis patients, people undergoing or recovering from surgery, and people who are generally out of shape or who have suffered strains.

Are you scheduled for orthopedic surgery but overwhelmed and unsure of what to expect? You can take a hold from Dr. Jonson Yousefzadeh by clicking here.

Physical therapy consists of what?

Strength and flexibility training, pain relief, proper postural alignment, improving and correcting posture, balance and coordination training, regaining movement or range of motion, endurance training, relaxation and stress-relieving techniques, education, proper walking, safety awareness, and the development/implementation of a home exercise program are all part of a regular physical therapy program. 

Reach out for our services.

Remember that each rehabilitation/physical therapy experience and the program is unique to each individual. Be patient with yourself, your doctor, and the physical therapists helping you recover from your injury. There are no shortcuts to recovery. Your doctor or therapist can help determine if you are a candidate for physical therapy. We will never refuse to answer an inquiry.


Surgeons and physical therapists work together to increase function while also reducing pain. Many patients avoid surgery by following a complete spinal rehabilitation program, while others who need surgery have the best results by following a structured rehabilitation program afterward. 

If you or your loved ones are interested in developing a pain-free body, we’d love to talk with you. Visit us now.

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