Physical therapy for breast cancer

Breast cancer is when a tumor grows in your breast. It is second in prevalence among females, after skin cancer. The modern era and breast cancer awareness campaigns have made many advancements in diagnosing and treating breast cancer.

What happens to breast cancer?

Breast cancer cells begin to multiply abnormally in breast tissue and can develop into cancer cells if left untreated. It usually starts in the milk ducts but can also start from glandular tissue called the lobules.


Some factors are more likely than others to cause breast cancer. These are some of the risk factors that can cause cancer.

  • Females are more likely to have sex than males.
  • Growing age
  • Breast cancer history
  • Breast cancer in the family
  • Inherited genes like BRCA1 or BRCA2
  • Radiation exposure
  • Obesity
  • Menstrual cycles in the early stages
  • Late menopause
  • Consuming alcohol
  • Take egestion or progestin
  • There is no place for a pregnancy in your life


  • A lump in the breast or thicker muscles than normal.
  • Modifications in appearance and size
  • Dimpling in skin
  • Skin changes around the nipples
  • The visible improvement in nipple


Surgery, radiology, and chemotherapy are the most common treatments for cancer. However, after surgery, many changes occur in the body that are not normal and may have a negative impact on our daily lives. A physical therapist can control or manipulate these changes. Nearly all post-surgical side effects result in weakness and pain in the upper limbs and near the chest. A set of exercises is designed by physical therapists to address post-surgical issues after breast surgery. The exercises can be used for manual therapies like joint manipulation therapy, joint mobilization techniques, or neurodynamic techniques.


We think only oncologists can fight cancer, but they can only remove cancerous tumors from our bodies. An oncologist cannot treat other body problems, such as muscle weakness or lymph issues. A physical therapist who helps us return to our normal lives after surgery can treat these issues. A physical therapist plays an important role in cancer recovery. They help rebuild muscle strength and help with post-surgical side effects.

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