Physical therapy treatment for thoracic outlet syndrome

A physical therapist knows thoroughly about all the body movements. Using their knowledge in mobility and locomotion, they can provide a unique viewpoint on intentional, accurate, and efficient movement throughout their lifespan. Using the results of this evaluation, therapists can create a treatment plan specific to the patient’s needs while also being comprehensive in nature. Catch on to our therapists to get your thrapy.

Assessment of posture and ergonomics:

Because of all the technology we have today at our fingertips, it’s easy to forget about our posture while working on a computer or phone. Unfortunately, this extra weight on your head and neck can lead to various orthopedic issues, such as headaches and neck pain. Physical therapists can help you learn what it means to have good posture and put that knowledge into practice daily. In addition, they may help office workers set up their desks correctly, and persons in more physically demanding jobs can help with body mechanics.
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Individuals are prepared before surgery:

Pre-rehabilitation or “prehab” is another term for this. Pre-rehabilitation has improved outcomes for patients getting hip and knee replacements. In addition, the likelihood of needing inpatient rehabilitation after surgery is reduced in patients who have completed a pre-surgical exercise program that includes strength, flexibility, range of motion, aerobics, and balancing activities. Prehabilitation is an opportunity to create a trusting connection with your physical therapist, in addition to improving surgical outcomes. Prospective patients can also learn more about the clinic and its accompanying staff and get answers to any queries they may have about post-operative care. 

Diagnosis in Physical Therapy:

A physical therapist uses a diagnosis to determine the best treatment plan for each patient/client. An intervention may alleviate symptoms and resolve impairments in bodily structures and functions, activity limitations, or participation restrictions if the diagnostic procedure fails to identify a specific cluster of disorders, syndrome, or category.

The physical therapist’s primary role is to organize and analyze all pertinent information when diagnosing. Diagnosis begins with studying the patient’s medical history and a selection of diagnostic tests and measures.

When necessary, physical therapists refer patients to other medical experts who perform and interpret diagnostic procedures, such as imaging and other types of examinations. Physical therapists can carry out and evaluate some imaging tests.
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Physical therapists may require the assistance of other medical specialists to complete the diagnosis procedure. In addition, there may be other results that should be discussed with other health experts, including referral sources, as part of the diagnostic process. 

Patients or clients who have already been diagnosed should have their clinical findings evaluated by the physical therapist to ensure that the diagnosis is valid. The physical therapist should then send the patient/client to an appropriate practitioner if the diagnostic procedure discloses findings outside of the physical therapist’s knowledge, experience, or expertise.

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