Physical Therapy for Low Back Pain Relief

You’re not the only one who usually suffers from lower back discomfort. Unfortunately, a significant number of people have suffered from the same issue. Most cases of back pain are moderate and self-resolving. However, back discomfort can recur or persist for certain people, resulting in diminished quality of life or disability. Physical therapy can assist you in improving or restoring mobility and alleviating pain when someone has low back discomfort.

Physical therapists are experts who assist you in mobility. Direct treatment, patient education, and prescribed mobility enhance people’s well-being and reduce the risk of disease. In addition, a physical therapist can evaluate on your behalf.

Have problems other than back pain? Read more about our services

Low back pain can be classified into three categories:

There are three types of acute pain:

  • Recurrence – a recurrence of the acute symptoms
  • Pain that lasts more than three months is considered chronic.
  • Pains that last for less than three months

Most persons who experience acute pain will experience a recurrence at least once in their lives. Low back discomfort is often a mystery, but the symptoms usually disappear independently. A person’s likelihood of not fully recovering from low back pain has been demonstrated to be influenced by psychosocial characteristics such as self-confidence and a belief in one’s own ability to cope with a handicap. We used to think that low back discomfort stemmed from the tissues in our bodies, but today, we realize that the condition is far more complicated than previously thought.

Is there a diagnosis for it?

As part of your physical therapist’s comprehensive evaluation, they will conduct the following:

  • A review of your medical records.
  • The PT will ask questions regarding any specific symptoms you have.
  • Examine the quality and amount of your motions and any movement patterns that could delay your recuperation.
  • Testing to find out if there are any signs or symptoms of a major health concern, such as a broken bone or cancer.
  • An evaluation of how you utilize your body at work, home, sports, and leisure.

Direct Orthopedic Therapy helps active people get out of pain, restore function & maximize their quality of life without wasting time & energy chasing symptoms.  Read More

What Are the Benefits of Consulting a Physical Therapist?

Most of the time, without using drugs or invasive surgery, your physical therapist can help you regain or regain mobility and alleviate low back discomfort.

Because no two pain cases in the lower back are identical, the therapy you receive should be, too. A unique treatment plan will be developed for you once your physical therapist reviews the findings of your physical therapy evaluation to treat your particular back condition. This includes:

  • Manual treatment, such as spine manipulation, may increase joint and soft tissue mobility.
  • Specific workouts to increase strength and flexibility.
  • How to better care for your back through education.
  • In addition, proper lifting, bending, sitting, and sleeping positions should be taught.
  • Help develop a physical activity routine that is safe and effective to improve your overall health.
  • Treatments for pain relief include cold, heat, or electrical stimulation.


If your discomfort persists or worsens, make an appointment with your physical therapist. This will prevent serious trouble later.


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