A physical therapy treatment plan for stroke patients

Stroke is the biggest reason for long-term disability and almost always leads to some loss of disability and movement. Having a stroke destroys essential connections between your brain and your muscles. It is possible, however, that this loss will not be permanent. The early stages of healing, when patients have little to no control over their afflicted muscles, need therapy. Your long-term recovery depends on a continuous physical therapy schedule, no matter where you are in your recovery stage. What should you consider when choosing a facility and services for stroke patients? Find out why physical therapy is so beneficial for stroke sufferers.

How helpful is Physical Therapy After a Stroke?

In another way, patients who have suffered a stroke typically lose their ability to use one hand and one leg. Physical therapists work with stroke survivors in the first few weeks and months of recovery to ensure that these muscles are toned and engaged, even before they can resume voluntary movement. Physical therapy can help patients regain daily functions and retrain their healthy brain cells to regulate the afflicted body parts if and when the function returns. In addition to occupational therapy, rehabilitation nursing, and speech therapy, stroke patients are offered various other services to aid their recovery.

Physical Therapy for Stroke Patients: Advantages:

After a stroke, your body and brain begin the long recovery process from brain damage and loss of muscular function as soon as oxygen is restored to your brain. Rehabilitation is an essential element of the healing process and can begin within 24 hours. Stroke physical therapists are trained to stimulate the damaged muscles and nerves to keep the blood flowing and prevent stiffness. They can then help stroke victims learn how to move their muscles again.

What Happens During Physical Therapy After a Stroke?

Physical therapy for stroke victims is typically tailored to each patient’s specific needs. The first time you meet with a new therapist, you may expect a complete physical examination and an interview with you or a loved one about your symptoms and difficulties thus far. Thus, a personalized treatment strategy that emphasizes movement restoration and avoiding potential complications following a stroke can be devised. Our team provides the best services in this regard.

As part of your physical therapy routine, you’ll work with your physical therapist to develop and achieve specific goals. The therapist urges patients to ask questions regarding their individual goals and schedule to ensure that they and their doctor are on the same page and know what to expect from physical therapy.

One of the first things physical therapists work on with patients with limited arms is getting out of bed and onto a chair securely. Balance and coordination exercises and tasks will gradually be introduced to assist you in re-learning basic coordination skills and functional tasks like grasping and walking. Your physical therapist can teach you the SaeboFlex, a mechanical glove that assists in extension and grasp.


Depending on your symptoms and lifestyle needs, you may want a more severe rehabilitation program or a less demanding one. For example, stroke victims often suffer from motor and sensory problems, but they can improve their recovery chances with the proper stimulation and support. With the guidance of your doctor, it is possible to find and work with a physical therapist who can accommodate your specific level of handicap and other circumstances that limit your body’s ability to heal.

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