Our Staff

Dr. Sydney Lautzenheiser


Physical Therapist


I am originally from Ohio, however I moved around a lot growing up and feel that experience has helped shape me into the person I am today. I love trying new things and meeting new people! I spent a significant amount of time living in the Charlotte, North Carolina area growing up, and completed my undergrad experience at Wingate University where I also competed in collegiate track/cross country. My specialty area was in the 5k/10k, and the injuries I suffered while running are actually what inspired me to become a PT. I have been living in Florida for approx. 5-6 years now, and love everything that the Jacksonville Beach community has to offer!

I graduated with from University of North Florida in 2022 and began working in the outpatient orthopedic setting after graduation. I came to DOT following a year at a busy outpatient clinic. I had the opportunity to learn a lot in this busy setting with a lot of patient exposure and am excited to bring that knowledge to the slower, more attentive, 1 on 1 setting DOT has to offer.

My Core Values Are:

  • Loyalty
  • Compassion
  • Kindness
  • Family
  • Friendship

“Life itself is a privilege, but to live life to the fullest is a choice.”

I specialize in orthopedic injuries and love working to help patients get back to the activities they were previously involved in!

What is Dr. Sydney Reading, Listening To, or Watching?

No podcasts/books for me!

In my free time, I enjoy playing beach volleyball, looking for shark teeth, and hanging out with my friends