can dry needling cause more pain

Direct Orthopedic Can Dry Needling Cause More Pain? Dry needling is a pain-relieving technique that helps reduce muscle stiffness and tension. Additionally, it may increase joint range of motion and correct movement dysfunction. A therapist inserts thin, sterile...

can dry needling cause nerve damage

Direct Orthopedic Can Dry Needling Cause Nerve Damage? Dry needling is a non-invasive therapy used by physical therapists to alleviate pain and restore muscle function. It involves needles puncturing tightened muscle groups known as trigger points in order to...

how dry needling is done

Direct Orthopedic How Dry Needling is Done Dry needling is a treatment that uses a fine needle to relieve pain, reduce inflammation and promote healing in your body. It’s often employed by physical therapists, chiropractors and licensed acupuncturists. When a...

How do runners stay injury free?

Direct Orthopedic How Do Runners Stay Injury Free? Most running injuries are overuse-related, meaning they occur when runners push themselves too hard. Thankfully, there are several habits you can practice to help keep yourself injury-free. These include stretching...

What are the three common running injuries?

Direct Orthopedic What are the three common running injuries Shin Splints, Stress Fractures and Plantar Fasciitis Running can be a great way to stay fit and improve your health, but it also puts you at risk for injuries. The most frequent are shin splints, stress...

How long do running injuries take to heal?

Direct Orthopedic How Long Do Running Injuries Take to Heal? Running can often cause mild discomfort as runners begin their training regimens. These symptoms usually subside on their own within a few weeks unless there is an underlying health issue causing more...