Multiple sclerosis and physical therapy

It can cause autoimmune disorders. It is a condition in which the body attacks the beneficial component of the nervous systems, the myelin shed.

The myelin sheath has three benefits

  • This sheath is less efficient for conduction.
  • The speed at which nerve impulses travel is 120 meters per second
  • Other Neurons are not activated by the myelin sheath

The signal cannot be properly transmitted from the brain to the body and back to the brain due to the loss of the protective layer. This can cause slow functioning and permanent nerve damage.


Multiple sclerosis can be caused by many factors. However, it is possible that multiple sclerosis may result from environmental and inherited factors. In this case, myelin sheath deterioration exposes our most sensitive parts of the body.

  • Multiple sclerosis can develop at any age, but there is no set age. However, it has been observed that multiple sclerosis tends to develop in those between 20 and 40 years old.
  • When we look at sex, women are more likely than men to develop multiple sclerosis. There is no scientific explanation for this.
  • Multiple sclerosis can also be a risk for your siblings and parents if they have multiple sclerosis.
  • Multiple sclerosis can also be triggered by infections, as was the case with multiple sclerosis.
  • Multiple sclerosis can also be caused by autoimmune diseases such as type 1 diabetes, but the risk of developing it is low.
  • Multiple sclerosis can be described as a race-dependent disease. This is because people from Northern Eastern countries are more likely to get it, while people in colder climates are also more susceptible.
  • Multiple sclerosis can also be caused by a low intake of vitamin D or insufficient sunlight.
  • Multiple sclerosis can also be caused by smoking


Multiple sclerosis symptoms can vary from one person to another depending on how severe the damage is and what type of person they are. Here are some common signs and symptoms.

  • Feeling of weakness or numbness in the lower and upper limbs
  • Incapable of maintaining a proper gait
  • Vision blurred or lost vision
  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Muscle Weakness
  • Slurred Speech
  • Muscle spasms
  • Complete paralysis or partial paralysis
  • Epilepsy
  • Bladder bowel dysfunction and sexual dysfunction

How a physical therapist could help

Multiple sclerosis is a neurological disorder. Although it can’t be completely cured, its symptoms can be managed with different medications and physical therapy. Multiple sclerosis can be treated with medication therapy or physical therapy. A physical therapist will treat you with various muscle-strengthening and gate-stabilizing exercises. Physical therapy also teaches you how to deal with changes in your body and how to use assistive devices like a stick or cane

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