Physical Therapy for Low Back Pain Relief
You're not the only one who usually suffers from lower back discomfort. Unfortunately, a significant number of people have suffered from the same issue. Most cases of back pain are moderate and...
The best Physical therapy exercises for shoulder
Do you experience any discomfort in your shoulders? Shoulder trauma may be to blame, as you may not have realized. True, a shoulder injury might cause pain when you move your arm in a certain way or...
Types of physical therapy
It's important to note that physical therapists don't replace other doctors but work alongside them to help you get better. In most circumstances, a physical therapist will help you recover faster...
The benefits of women’s health in physical therapy
Physical therapy is crucial for women's health because of women's specific physical and physiological characteristics. For instance, three functions are specific to women. Menstruation, pregnancy,...
What is the best part of physical therapy?
When it comes to exercising, managing pain, and rehabilitating oneself, many patients assume they know what they are doing. It is typical for people to say that they don't need therapy because...
How does physical therapy actually work
In most cases, a physical therapist has worked with you or someone you know in the past to help with a mobility difficulty. It may happen that an accident or surgery has limited your mobility,...
Are there any situations where physical therapy can do more harm than good?
Patients who are contemplating physical treatment often wonder, "Does physical therapy hurt? " "No," is the quick and straightforward response. There should be no pain during physical treatment. You...
The Doctor said it’s bone on bone 🙁
We will call him, ‘Jim’… a former patient of mine who I think of every time I hear someone tell me ‘the doctor said it’s bone on bone, I need a knee replacement.’ For years, Jim had been in pain....
Key Principles of Injury Prevention and Training
Direct Orthopedic Therapy and our staff have had the privilege of working with many youth athletes across a wide variety of sports over the years. We’ve seen them training and competing when...
How I Overcame 12 Years of Persistent Pain Without Drugs or Surgery
For my whole adult life, I had been in pain. I had throbbing lower back pain, my hips were always tight, and pain shot down my leg. I had a routine of stretches I had to do daily to move normally....