Five common Iontophoresis medications in physical therapy

It’s a form of electrical stimulation used to administer specific drugs in our bodies.

A physical therapist will determine the type of treatment that is used. If this is the case, they will use drugs to reduce inflammation and sometimes decrease calcium deposits. You must understand the treatment goals and the medication used. You can discuss your goals with physical therapists.


It is one the most commonly used anti-inflammatory medications and is used in iontophoresis treatments. It is a great tool for physical therapy to reduce inflammation and pain in conditions like tendonitis, which causes muscle inflammation. This drug reduces swelling and increases mobility

Acetic acid

Acetic acid can treat conditions like calcific tendonitis or frozen shoulder. It reduces calcium deposits in the body. Once excess ossification has been reversed, deposits can be broken down, and specific exercises can be performed to restore motion and function.


A negatively charged ion treats scar tissue or keloid scars (excessive connective tissue growth at the injury point). It can also be used for scar tissue massage.

Magnesium Sulfate

This medication treats uncontrolled muscle contractions, also known as muscle spasms. It can be administered locally to help reduce muscle pain and reduce spasms to a minimum.


It can treat sclerotic conditions like tendonitis (break deposition of miners) or frozen shoulder. It improves blood flow to the area and reduces swelling.

Tap water

It may seem unbelievable, but tap water can also treat excessive sweating in the feet or palms. It can also be used to create positive or negative electrodes in a foot or hand immersion bath.

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