Can DIY PT Do More Harm Than Good?

Can PT do more harm than good?

If you are dealing with chronic musculoskeletal pain, it can be tempting to attempt healing yourself. Unfortunately, DIY physical therapy often does more harm than good for several reasons. First and foremost, you may be performing incorrect exercises or techniques. A licensed physical therapist understands the body’s functions and has years of training in proper form for each exercise.

1. Overdoing it

Overextending physical therapy after an injury or surgery can only worsen matters and slow healing. That’s why working with a physical therapist is so critical when beginning back at the gym after such a trauma. At your physical therapy session, they may assign you homework with specific sets and repetitions for each exercise or provide guidance on doing them correctly.

While you can complete your exercises at home, having a mobile physical therapist on hand can make it easier to avoid overexertion and set yourself back. Keep track of how you feel while performing home workouts and inform your therapist of any tightness or weakness you experience. Doing this will allow them to assess how far along you are in recovery and adjust the program accordingly. Setting achievable goals also helps motivate you as you progress toward full recovery! Finally, ensure to attend all appointments as scheduled without missing any due to unexpected events.

3. Not following directions

Following directions can be challenging for some people, particularly those who have difficulty paying attention. This may cause them to miss the point of an instruction and misinterpret information. It could even lead to other issues, such as refusing to participate in the activity or engaging in another activity of their choosing instead of listening to what you have to say.

If your child struggles following directions, try targeting this skill during therapy or classroom activities. This can help them learn to follow simple instructions in different contexts and apply those skills at home doing everyday activities. Play Simon Says or set up an obstacle course where students have to follow commands before moving on; these methods are simple ways of working on this skill that are enjoyable for all ages!

4. Not taking care of yourself

A PT test is the science of measuring blood clotting. This clot-fighting technology measures prothrombin and thromboplastin concentrations, two coagulation factors that help prevent and repair blood clots. Furthermore, it can tell you if your doctor is on track with anticoagulant therapy. To maximize their chances of passing with flying colors on this exam, those taking it should take care of themselves before, during, and after. You might even want to consult a medical expert for the most effective ways to do so.

To get started on your journey to better health and recovery, contact our team of specialists at Direct Orthopedic Therapy today!

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