How I Overcame 12 Years of Persistent Pain Without Drugs or Surgery 

How I Overcame 12 Years of Persistent Pain Without Drugs or Surgery 

July 30, 2020

For my whole adult life, I had been in pain. I had throbbing low back pain, my hips were always tight and pain shot down my leg.   I had a routine of stretches I had to do daily to move normally.

But there was nothing I could do that would give me relief longer than a few hours or a few days at the most.

This was my life on a daily basis.

I’d wake up sore, I’d go throughout our day sore, and then I’d go to bed sore.

Some days would be better than others, but even if I felt alright today, I knew it wasn’t going to last.

Today I’m able to go to the gym, run and play basketball without worrying I’ll get a flare up. I sleep soundly, I feel rested and have loads of energy, my relationship with my wife is great, we are not fighting all the time anymore, I’m not so irritable and I’ve never felt so productive at work because I can actually sit & focus without being in discomfort.

All because I got to the root cause of my problem, and stopped wasting time and money on short term treatments that would only look at the symptoms.

I’m telling you all this because I want you to know that change is possible…

The thing is, if we’ve been in pain anything longer than a few weeks, we have generally tried one of many different treatment options available. Usually with no lasting results. And if we have been in pain for more than a few months… Chances are we have tried everything, and only ever got temporary results. The treatment feels great when we get it, but it doesn’t last.

Once we have suffered long enough and have realised it isn’t going to solve itself, we generally go to the PCP to get some kind of answers. Most commonly we are given drugs and referred on to someone else.

We try new shoes, braces, chiro, massage, stretching & foam rolling or even injections & medication, which might give us relief but it just comes back.

Now we are now back at our PCP getting given more drugs, more scans and more referrals… but with no answers.

Back to square one.

So what do we do? Do we just accept that this is how life is now? I’m just going to have to live with it or get surgery which can’t guarantee results?

I’ve been there and I know what it’s like… but what made the difference for me was the 3 transformations I made: 

First I ignored conventional wisdom that kept telling me there must be something wrong with me like a disc or a nerve or a muscle problem.

Second I trusted that my body was intelligent and knew how to heal if it was given the right circumstances

Third I started looking at my environment & lifestyle; my physical, mental/emotional and chemical stress and health and started making changes that supported my body’s ability to heal.

The old methods of injury and symptom care just don’t work for nagging aches, pains and chronic injuries. The dysfunction we have is different. Our bodies are stuck in a cycle of dysfunction, tension, weakness and further injury and we need to break it if we want to get our bodies back to a state of resilience, durability & balance. Symptom focused treatments will only ever give symptomatic and temporary relief. They won’t get to the root cause of your pain because if they did, you wouldn’t be in pain… right?

So why are we doing the same old stuff?

If you keep going the way the medical model shows us, you’ll only ever manage the symptoms, you’ll never get to the cause. And you’ll never get your health, function and life back.

I should know, I spent 12 years in chronic back pain with no answers other than more drugs, and more injections, and more surgery.

If any of the above sounds familiar and you want to find out what’s really possible with your health. I want you to go ahead and book a free discovery call with me… 

On this call: 

  1. We will personally get on the phone together to determine what’s going on, what might be causing the pain, and what can be done to resolve it for good…
  2. We will cover my 3 Phase Functional Strength Method, so you leave the session with the confidence of knowing what to do next…
  3. We will assess whether I can help and whether you are a good fit for our course of treatment…
  4. If it feels like a good fit, we’ll talk about what I do and how we can work together to resolve the pain…

Book your call here:

This free call has helped 100’s of people understand what’s going on and what they need to do to break the cycle of persistent pain and start getting results and has the power and potential to do the same for you.

To Your Health,

Jonson Yousefzadeh PT, DPT, COMPT

Owner, Direct Orthopedic Therapy

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