Physical therapy and shoulder surgery

My shoulder injury has caused you to need shoulder surgery. Although the problem has been resolved, many side effects can still be experienced after surgery. A physical therapist may be able to help you with these side effects. The physical therapist will assess your situation and help you improve your shoulder function.

You can improve your shoulder range of motion by exercising during the postoperative period.

It is important to do a brief post-operative shoulder exercise program to fully recover from a shoulder injury. It is common for shoulder injuries to cause stiffness and weakness in the shoulder joints, which can lead to more severe conditions. Additionally, you should incorporate strengthening and stretching exercises as soon as possible.

This will help you recover faster from your surgery.

Below is a post-operative shoulder rehabilitation program that you should follow. It must be followed by your physical therapy three times daily in your presence or at home.

Range of motion exercises

After your shoulder surgery, range of motion exercises should be the first thing you do.

Pendulum Exercise

  • Do your best to keep the affected arm at your side.
  • Use gravity and the weight of the affected to swing the affected forward and backward.
  • This technique can be used to move your arm in both a clockwise and anticlockwise fashion.

Wand Exercises

These exercises can be done with a stick


Start by standing straight up and holding a stick in each hand. With your palms facing down, extend your arms and lift them over your head. Then, return to normal.


Hold the ick in your hands with your back straight. Now, hold your hands in front of you. For 5 seconds, relax your hands and then return to your starting position.

External Rotation

Place your hands on the stick and lie down with your palms facing up. Your elbows should be bent at 9090 degrees. Keep your elbow close to your body and your healthy shoulder. Continue this stretch for five seconds

Internal Rotation

Standing straight, hold the stick between your legs behind your back. Keep the stick parallel to your body and perpendicular to the ground. Place your stick on your injured side while your uninjured hand is behind your head. Once your injured side is behind your back, bend your elbows to move the stick up and down.

Adduction and Abduction of Shoulder:

Keep your feet straight, and keep the stick in your hands.

Strengthening Exercises

For those with a normal range of motion, strengthening exercises can be done to strengthen the shoulder muscles. This will allow you to return to normal life as quickly as possible.

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