Dynamic Isometric Shoulder Training

When someone asks you which is the most functional or where you perform the most functions, your answer will be either your lower or upper limb. You perform the majority of the activities with your lower or upper limbs. Your life may be affected if your upper limbs are affected by tennis elbow or shoulder pain. Shoulder pain is one of the most severe symptoms of upper limb pain. A skilled physical therapist can help you determine the source of your pain and remove it. This will allow you to regain functional mobility.

Your shoulder may hurt for many reasons. You could have weakness in muscles, tendons, and ligaments, weakness in rotator cuff muscle muscles, tendonitis in your shoulder joint, or weakness of the rotator cuff muscles. These exercises, called dynamic isometric rotator cuff strengthening exercises, can be used to strengthen and improve the function of these structures. This is a great exercise to improve the rotator-cuff muscles. These exercises are easy to do, and you can do them at home with help from a friend or family member after receiving advice from your physical therapist.

How to do the exercise

Required tool

You only need one tool to perform the exercises. This is an elastic resistance bracelet. Your physical therapist can provide this band.

The steps to perform the exercise

  • First, lay down on your stomach on the ground or on a flat surface.
  • You will hold one end of your band in your hands while the other end will be held in the hand of a friend or physical therapist.
  • Your arm must remain straight, and your elbow must be straight.
  • While you can keep your hand straight, your friend or physical therapist will pull the band.
  • If you keep the tension high in the band, your friend or physical therapist will be able to move in different directions.
  • During the entire process, keep your arm straight and in the air.
  • Your friend or physical therapist will continue to walk around you in various directions until you feel tired.
  • If both sides are affected, repeat the process on both sides so that both sides heal equally


You can do dynamic isometric shoulder exercises up to four times per day. However, it is important that you do them correctly to avoid injury. Your physical therapist will also verify the frequency. If you feel pain in your arm and shoulder, this could be a sign that the exercises are harming you.

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